Sign up for the upcoming 5 hours intense workshop for Rs 4,000 500only.

Fee is inclusive of 18% GST (Rs 500+90)
Register before Jan 13th 2022, the workshop starts on Jan 15th, 11 am to 5 pm

Please check if your answer is YES

Yes, I’m interested and tell me how to generate Revenue!

Sign up for the upcoming 5 hours intense workshop for Rs 4,000 500only.

Fee is inclusive of 18% GST (Rs 500+90)
No, I’m not convinced, I want more details!

Who is this workshop for?

  • Entrepreneurs, Business owners and Self Employed or Freelancers
  • Tried all courses, still unable to understand the structure of digital marketing
  • Consulted many agencies but not able to make my product brandable.
  • Experimented all possible ways but not generating leads
  • Posting on all social media channels still not getting enough engagements (like, share, comments, viewerships)
  • Tried and tested many graphic designers but not satisfied with my logo, look and feel of my brand.
  • Spent all money into the business and burning on savings and unable to break-even.

  • Have that awesome idea but unable to convince VC fundings with current pitch decks.

Heck Yes, this is me, lets talk money!

Sign up for the upcoming 5 hours intense workshop for Rs 4,000 500only.

Fee is inclusive of 18% GST (Rs 500+90)
Hell no Shruthi, I want more details please

What are you learning inside the workshop?

  • Common Mistakes (or) Myths (or) Approaches

  • Business Checklist

  • Flow of a pitchdeck

  • Online Marketing Strategies

    • Goal Set up
    • Cx Profiling
    • Sneakpeak of google analytics
  • Budgets
  • Marketing Foundation

  • Demographics and Psychographic

  • Cx Behaviour and Analysis


  • Essentials of a great brand

  • Archetypes

  • Design & Packaging

  • Cx Handling

  • Logo theory

  • Basic rules of building a brand

  • Getting your mission vision statement into visualisation
  • Typography

  • Graphic Tools

  • Design Principles

  • Spend Analysis

  • Trending your posts, hashtags, going with the trend, positing with consistency, collaborations

  • Cx psychology, color theory

Conclusion with questionnaires for Personal consultation.

That sounds a lot! There is bundle of information I can grab

Sign up for the upcoming 5 hours intense workshop for Rs 4,000 500only.

Fee is inclusive of 18% GST (Rs 500+90)
Naa, its something I already know. I am not convinced.

Well, its technically the end of the page, you might have to start from the beginning of the page to get convinced ;) Or, you can call us and discuss what is that exactly you are looking for!

Yes, please connect me to Ms.Bharadwaj!